About DamiMyne
Talking about myself has always been hard but I'll try..
My name is Damilola Orenisile. I am Damimyne.
DamiMyne is a young Nigerian Writer, Photographer and Student. She's a Christian. She's different and has learned to overcome the fear of showing it.
"I mean, why would I want to be like everybody else?"
She's still learning to draw her eyebrows and hates laundry. these are two unrelated facts but that's okay,
Did I forget to mention, she's a law student!?
"Like anyone lets me forget!"
Her hobbies include reading, listening to music, cooking weird things that end up tasting good, babysitting nice kids, watching E! (What? It is entertainment!) and swimming.
She also has a flair for the dramatic.
"People call me a drama queen a lot, it doesn't mean I'm one. It's just several opinions."
She likes sarcasm, puns, fun, colours. She looves Instagram and Snapchat and Twitter and nature! (She actually means nature not social media.)
I see my dreams and my future stretched out before me and I want to share as many steps as I can with the world. I hope you'll stay with me, play with me, grow with me and create with me.